Dutch Design Week & Graduation show

Category : Exhibition

dutch-design-week-beatesnuka-ceramicsCeramic Network was presented at the Design Academy Eindhoven Graduation Show 2014 and the Klokebouw FOODz pop-up restaurant during DDW.

This is the first post of my adventures during Dutch Design Week & Graduation Show held in lovely Eindhoven, the Netherlands. For those unfamiliar with the Design Academy Eindhoven Graduation show, it’s a week where the school is transformed into a large two floor exhibition space and all attention goes to graduates of that specific year. A lot of publicity and traffic goes through, estimated numbers are around 30’000 visitors.

261014-dae-gs-2image from (there is more to see so check it) http://www.enigheid.nl/2014/10/26/ddw-dae-graduation-show/

But don’t be deceived the space was never this empty. At the moment the gates opened in the mornings we where swimming in a sea of projects, graduates, press, children, dogs and other guests.

The crowded front gate of the Design Academy, opening the gates for public.

Academy halls full of guests.


Also the Ambassador of Latvia visited the Graduation Show and caught a bit of the vibe and some Latvian students.

The ambassador of Latvia came to meet and greet the Latvian students that study in the Design Academy Eindhoven

This is the lovely Ceramic Network table in action. Met many interesting people with even more interesting opinions, suggestions and questions. Good contacts and crazy new ideas, thanks for the inspiration.

Some lovely ladies disusing details about the ceramic network during Graduation Show 2014

Lovely ladies discussing details  🙂

Beate Snuka ceramic network ceramic sets mixed and matched in the graduation show 2014 dutch design week

And the build down. Rarely anyone notices (except the graduates and the staff) that on the last Sunday of the Dutch Design Week, the moment last guests have left, we begin the hectic build down… hopefully to build up a future out there.

Design Academy graduation show 2014 build down

Till next year!

